13 November 2014

There’s Nothing Weird About Homeschooling If It’s The Right Choice For Your Family

So, my son was on his way to the 8th grade which was great except he couldn't do long division.  How does a child make it all the way to the eighth grade without learning long division???  I'll tell you how.  He's a good kid with a mom who is always involved with school.  The teachers liked him, he didn't cause trouble, so let's just scoot him right along to the next grade.

The last straw was when I realized that he couldn't manage in math but he sure knew what Red Tube was.  Please don't google it to find out what it is.  I made that mistake and wanted to remove my eyes.

06 November 2014

The Fibromyalgia Energy Crisis: A Balancing Act

How do we manage with fibromyalgia? How do we balance the things we NEED to do and the things we WANT to do?  How do we deal with the extreme FATIGUE that comes with this condition?

Well, this article has some amazing ideas!  Try them even if your body is screaming "Noooooo! Don't move! Let's just sit here on the couch."

Read the article here:

God Bless and Take Care
Love, Tonya
P.S. Comment below, please. Love it? Hate it? Indifferent? I'd love to know what you think!

04 November 2014

"DRUG MUGGING" 5 Popular Pills That Could Be Making You Sick

I'm all about trying to stay away from medication. After I retired from the Air Force, I weaned myself off of the prescriptions that my doctors had me on.  Once I got those pills out of my system, I realized that first, they weren't helping and second, I felt alive again!

So here is an article that I found that talks about a few of the drugs that are out there and how they deplete our systems of necessary nutrients.

30 October 2014

Living with Fibomyalgia

This article really hit home for me.

FOR years, Sarah Pollard suffered a mystery muscle complaint that made every day a struggle. Finally she got a diagnosis – but with a sting in the tail... Read the rest here: http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/526918/Living-with-Fibromyalgia

God Bless and Take Care
Love, Tonya
P.S. Comment below, please. Love it? Hate it? Indifferent? I'd love to know what you think!

27 October 2014

15 Completely Legit Reasons Why You Need a Massage!

As some of you know, I have been going to Miller-Motte to train to become a Licensed Massage Therapist, so I'm always on the lookout for cool articles. I found this one about the absolute necessity of massage on the Cosmopolitan website: